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Wellness centres in Prague:

Wellness centres in the Czech Republic

Wellness EA Hotel Downtown

Wellness centre Eden Spa - EA Chateau hotel Hruba Skala

Žitná 53, 110 00 Prague 1

tel +420 222 900 099
email downtown@eahotels.cz

gps 50°4'38.223"N   14°25'48.351"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hoteldowntownprague.cz

Hrubá Skála 1, 511 01 Turnov

tel +420 604 317 618
email wellness@hrubaskala.eahotels.cz

gps 50°32'41.564"N   15°11'35.444"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hrubaskala.cz

Wellness EA Hotel Sonata

Wellness EA Hotel Kraskov

Sokolská 68, 110 00 Prague 1

tel +420 221 966 588
email sonata@eahotels.cz

gps 50°4'37.01"N   14°25'46.38"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelsonataprague.cz

Třemošnice-Starý Dvůr 47, 538 43 Chrudim

tel +420 464 600 411
email kraskov@eahotels.cz

gps 49°52'8.505"N   15°36'34.877"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelkraskov.cz

Relax centre EA Hotel Crystal Palace

Wellness EA Hotel Tereziansky dvur - Hradec Kralove

Malá Štěpánská 17, 120 00 Prague 2

tel +420 221 961 111
email crystalpalace@eahotels.cz

gps 50°4'35.31"N   14°25'23.98"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelcrystalpalace.cz

Jana Koziny 336, 500 00 Hradec Králové

tel +420 495 505 111
email terezianskydvur@eahotels.cz

gps 50°12'28.503"N   15°50'6.245"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelterezianskydvur.com

Wellness EA Hotel Embassy Prague

Wellness EA Chateau hotel Sychrov

Petrská 31, 110 00 Prague 1

tel +420 221 871 111 
email embassy@eahotels.cz

gps 50°5'30.75"N   14°26'08.46"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelembassyprague.cz

Sychrov, 463 44 Sychrov

tel +420 482 425 444 
email sychrov@eahotels.cz

gps 50°37'35.877"N   15°5'16.141"E

Official website of the hotel: www.hotelsychrov.cz

EuroAgentur Hotels & Travel, a.s., Vaclavske namesti 820/41, 110 00, Prague 1

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